What is Braun Painting doing to protect your household and our employees from Covid?

Following Public Health Madison & Dane County and CDC recommendations**, our staff will wear masks when necessary, practice social distancing and follow hand sanitizing/washing and other hygiene practices.

While these layers are prudent, we’ve added an additional measure using MoLEKULE Air Purifier systems while indoors. According to MoLEKULE data and when used according to guidelines, these devices have shown they remove DNA & RNA viruses, bacteria, mold and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from your air within 30 minutes of running the unit. These units will remove viral aerosols and turn the air in the room over several times/hour. This means no viral aerosol buildup occurring in the workspace. For more information on MoLEKULE air purifiers, please visit molekule.com.

We take the health of our employees, their families, our customers and greater community seriously. As a business and individuals, we're adhering to all recommendations set forth by Madison & Dane County Public Health.

**Our policy changes per PHMDC guidelines.